Thursday, September 18, 2008

The World Loves America

It always makes me laugh every time I am flipping through the television channels and I see Democrats and their lap dogs in the media talking about how much the world hates the United States.

The average untrained American looks at this with frustration and assumes Bush has messed up our relations with the world. I, personally would draw the same conclusion if I didn't know any better.

Unlike the average American, I-Mitchell Steadman get to travel the world. I have been to many countries around the world and I am in the process of getting to travel the world again. One of my favorite parts about meeting other people is getting reminded by them just how great America is.

When I went through Spain, Malta, Greece, and Italy I met many foreigners who enjoy meeting Americans. Most people around the world see America as a good country despite what you see on television every day.

Historically, Whenever there is a Republican as President in the White House, how come the media always says the world hates the U.S.? Answer-Because the media is ran by Liberal Democrats. (Go back and study the last 3 or 4 Republican Presidents if you don't believe me. The media was even out to get Regan. We know now though that Ronald Reagan was the greatest American President who ever lived!!!! PERIOD, END OF STORY)

Historically, Whenever there is a Democrat as President in the White House, how come the media always says the world LOVES the U.S.? Answer-Because the media is ran by Liberal Democrats. (Example:ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ect.......These are all liberal networks ran by socialist morons who love corrupt Democrats because the Democrats are keeping these networks loaded with tons of American cash to keep them on their side.)

Last Question!! How come the liberal media wants us to be bitter about foreigners disliking American people and America in general? Answer: They figure if we think Bush has messed up our relations with other countries that we will vote for the Democrats in the upcoming election.

It is time to be smarter than that!! I say lets go to the poll and put John McCain and Sara Palin in the White House.